CÉ LA VI SKY BISTRO is relaunching on 3/17(WED)

photo report
3/17(三) CÉ LA VI Taipei 將在信義區48樓高空,以Sky Bistro餐酒館的風貌與您見面。主廚全新設計的單點式菜單,可輕鬆與親朋好友們一同分享佳餚,讓您透過五感將美食、飲酒、音樂與空間氛圍完美融合,而這次在音樂的挑選上,更偏向輕鬆且不失節奏感的浩室風格,搭配CÉ LA VI Sky Bistro獨家專屬調酒系列,讓您在用餐之餘,也能盡情享受不同於以往的愜意餐酒館氛圍~

現在起不論平日或假日,從中午直至深夜, CÉ LA VI Taipei 隨時歡迎您的蒞臨。

時段|每週二至週日 12PM - 10PM
訂位服務 & 詳細菜單|www.inline.app/booking/celavitaipei/

CÉ LA VI SKY BISTRO is relaunching on 3/17(WED)

The new “à la carte” Sky Bistro Menu is available from lunch to late night, with a new cocktail series paired with this exciting relaunch! Perfect for you to come with friends & families, and dining at our outdoor booth to enjoy the dishes with the stunning city view of Taipei is also available.
Let’s find out more new surprises from 3/17!

Starts from 3/17 (WED)
Date|Every Tuesday to Sunday / 12PM - 10PM
Online Reservation & Menu|www.inline.app/booking/celavitaipei/
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