After a long lockdown, we re-opened as a bar last night... and what a freaking night!!!

We were surrounded by absolute legends helping us open up with a bang. A combo of bookings, walk-ins, familiar faces and some brand new faces meant we were bumper to bumper all night. It was brilliant!!

By far the most sold item was the "Kacey Shot" which now has a permanent button in the til :D

Thank you so so so much to everyone who came down, and apologies to everyone we had to knock back at the door. We open again at 4pm tonight so come on down again and let's keep this amazing vibe going!

And finally, a HUGE shout out and appreciation to Sav and Ben for putting in a huge effort last night taking care of everyone and making sure that every punter was kept safe, and plied with booze! You guys rock!!


P.S Don't forget to tag yourselves! I took heaps more photos, but my cameraman skills are not quite up to scratch so they were too blurry to post :( sorry to anyone who I missed :(
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