Yesterday we took a look at Percy's Cafe Bar and how's it's changed and developed. Going from strength to strength over the years!

In today's photo album we take a look at the thing that keeps us going and that's made us a successful live music venue... That's YOU! THE PEOPLE!!!

Without your help and continued support we just wouldn't have been able to do what we do for all these years and what we aim to continue doing for many years to come!

This photo album is especially dedicated to you. The crowds, the visitors, the locals, the bands, the people who've visited us from nearby, the people from further afield and from all over the world, the friends, the PERCY'S FAMILY!

We hope you enjoy looking through this photo album. You may even see yourself or you friends caught in some of these epic shots!

A special thanks goes once again to all the people who've taken photographs featured in this album. Whether it be the truly amazing shots captured by the professional photographers or all the fun shots taken by bands and attendees.
I'm sure you'll all agree they're all lovely images for us all to look back on with fond memories.

Don't forget, If anyone has any of their own photos or memories they'd like to share with us then please don't hesitate to post your photos and tell us about your most memorable moments here at Percy's over the years in the comments below!

Thank you so much to everyone for all your love and support you've shown us. We hope you'll all visit us again in the future for even more incredible and fun nights like the ones captured in this photo album.

Please share and enjoy!

Peace and love to you all :-)
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